Tuesday, July 16, 2024



I came up with a new word,
I made it just today.
That word is "Norboplotz!",
and it's quite fun to say.

What does it mean, you ask?
I haven't the slightest clue...
I just like to try it out
and see what people do.

I shout "Norboplotz!"
everywhere without a care.
I yell it all day at work,
and spin in my office chair.

I write it as graffiti
on the wall in the park.
I scream "Norboplotz!" at night,
which causes dogs to bark.

Of course, it makes people mad.
They think that I'm insane...
but it's just my way of rebelling
against the mundane.

C'mon, you should try it too!
Making new words is fun...
though if you shout them out loud,
you might get beat up a ton.